Business & General legal

Debt Collection

08 8277 7971

Debt Collection

Personal / Commercial Debt Collection - 'with Integrity'

Having money owed to you by a debtor or multiple debtors is not a great feeling. It goes without saying that outstanding debts put a lot of financial strain on creditors, particularly if they are running a business.

Debt recovery/collection agencies can assist individuals and businesses in standard debt recovery/collection procedures but often engage debt recovery lawyers, such as Business & General Legal, to undertake the more complex processes on behalf of their clients. Individuals and businesses can save both time and money by instructing debt recovery lawyers in the first instant. Business & General Legal is a one stop shop for all personal and commercial debt recovery needs.

Business & General Legal are experienced debt recovery/collection lawyers in Adelaide (SA). We assist both individuals and businesses in all aspects of debt recovery/collection processes. We can assist by:

  • Preparation and service of Issuing letters of demand;
  • PreparationIssuing final notices;
  • PreparationIssuing court proceedings;
  • PreparationManaging the litigation, mediation and negotiation processes;
  • PreparationSecuring debts over the property of debtors (for example a charging order or caveat);
  • PreparationIssuing a Bankruptcy Notice;
  • PreparationIssuing a Creditor’s Petition to initiate bankruptcy proceedings;
  • PreparationIssuing a Creditor’s Statutory Demand;
  • PreparationIssuing Wind up proceedings;
  • PreparationIssuing and defending preference claims;
  • PreparationIssuing a Summons for debtors to appear before the court and to have the court order debt repayment plans and issue a Warrant of Arrest where debtors fail to attend court hearings;
  • PreparationIssue a Warrant seeking jail time where debtors continually fail to comply with court ordered payments to creditors; and
  • PreparationIssue a Warrant of Sale against the personal goods or real property of debtors.

The processes we recommend to our clients will depend on many factors including the amount of the debt, the type of debtor (individual, company, trust or other entity), the existence of certain paperwork (such as a verbal or written contract, credit application form, guarantee or other paper trails), the capacity of the debtor to repay the debt and the amount considered appropriate to invest on debt recovery/collection processes.

If you have been issued with a debt recovery process and you don’t believe you owe the debt we can assist with that too.

As with most areas of law there is a set time limit for recovering debts. Don’t miss your window of opportunity. If you are looking for experienced, professional, friendly solicitors in Adelaide (SA) to take care of your debt collection/recovery needs give us a call to book your free no obligation half hour appointment.

Contact Us

Lawyers / Solicitors & Conveyancers Adelaide, South Australia (SA)

Law with Integrity
The Law Society of South Australia Gold Alliance Firm
652-656 Goodwood Road Daw Park SA 5041 Australia

Phone: (08) 8277 7971



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